Migrate to Netlify Today

Netlify announces the next evolution of Gatsby Cloud. Learn more

Deploying to Netlify

Netlify includes a free tier and features like a CDN, HTTPS, custom domains, and continuous deployment from repositories.


  • A Gatsby project set up. (Need help creating one? Follow the Quick Start)
  • A Netlify account
  • A GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket account


By default, when you link a repository for a project, Netlify automatically detects the framework. For Gatsby, it will install the Essential Gatsby build plugin and provide suggested configuration values.

Follow Netlify’s Getting Started guide to set up your project. You can read the Gatsby on Netlify guide to learn more.

Make sure to also install gatsby-plugin-netlify and add it to your gatsby-config.


At the moment, Netlify has limited support for these features:

For automatic setup of builds that are deployed straight to Netlify:

Start building today on Netlify!

You can get all features and faster builds by signing up to Gatsby Cloud. Gatsby Cloud also supports Netlify as a CDN target, so you can build on Gatsby Cloud and use Netlify’s CDN.

Additional resources

Start building today on Netlify!
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