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Part of what makes Gatsby sites so fast is that a lot of the work is done at build time. During that process, Gatsby creates paths to access content, handling routing for you. Navigating in a Gatsby app requires an understanding of what those paths are and how they're generated.

This section of guides show you the different ways to create pages in Gatsby, how to handle navigation between and within pages, how to create a shared layout, and how to compose content:

 Main Guides 2

Creating routes

How to create individual pages, templated pages, authenticated, client-side, and dynamic routes.

Shared page layout

How to share header, footer, sidebar, navigation, SEO, and analytics scripts across multiple pages.

 Additional Guides 4

  • Add pages using Markdown
  • Add components to Markdown using MDX
  • Restore scroll position when going back
  • Getting Location Data from Props
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