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Deploying to Gatsby Cloud Hosting

In this guide, you’ll learn how to deploy your site to Gatsby Cloud Hosting.


This tutorial assumes you have already set up a Gatsby Cloud site.

Enable Gatsby Hosting

In the Gatsby Cloud Site Hosting Settings, select “Enable Deploys to Gatsby Cloud Hosting”.

steps to enable gatsby cloud hosting

This will trigger a new Production Build for your site. When that Production Build completes, your site will be ready to view.

Default domain

You will receive a “default domain” for your site base: YOUR_SITE_PREFIX.gatsbyjs.io. This domain has HTTPS on by default. Visit the https://<default domain> URL to see your hosted site.

default domain in gatsby cloud hosting settings

First deploy

Before your first Production Build after turning on Gatsby Hosting completes, you will see the following when you visit your default domain.

First Deploy Waiting Screen

Changing your default domain

You can update your default domain by changing the Site Prefix of your Gatsby site in the “General” tab of your “Site Settings”.

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