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Unified Hosting

Unified Hosting (as signalled by a gatsbyjs.io domain) is an improvement made for Gatsby Cloud Hosting and is enabled by default for all builds.


Unified Hosting on Gatsby Cloud provides several benefits to your site:

  • Password protection
  • More accurate Lighthouse reports
  • Faster initial page loads (as well as being on a CDN)
  • Better route caching for browser speed
  • Unlimited redirects
  • Reverse proxy behavior


What is the reason?

Unified Hosting was the current infrastructure for only Production builds. Now, this brings all of the benefits above to all builds (including Pull Request and Preview builds). Gatsby has “unified” all infrastructure to this faster, more modern architecture.

What is the impact?

The major change that you will see now is a difference in individual build URLs. Previously, these builds were deployed to a gtsb.io domain. Today, all builds will be deployed to a gatsbyjs.io domain.

Will old gtsb.io URLs continue to work?

Yes, any builds deployed before Unified Hosting’s rollout will continue to work on the gtsb.io domain.

What do the new URLs look like?

All new URLs will be the same format, but hosted on a subdomain of gatsbyjs.io (as opposed to gtsb.io).

Pull Requestbuild-{UUID}.gtsb.iobuild-{UUID}.gatsbyjs.io

Are URLs deterministic?

URLs are deterministic besides the UUID generated for a given build. For example, the glob pattern for a Pull Request build would be build-*.gatsbyjs.io.

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