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v4.13 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@4.13.0 release (April 2022 #2)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

Traced SVG option for Image CDN

The popular traced SVG option is now available for use with Image CDN on Gatsby Cloud.

The change spans four separate packages:

  • gatsby-plugin-sharp
  • gatsby-transformer-sharp
  • gatsby-plugin-utils
  • gatsby-remark-images

See PR #35328 for full details.

Open RFCs

We continue to have ongoing RFCs that we’d like your input on. Give it a read, if applicable a try, and leave feedback. Thanks!

  • New Bundler in Gatsby: We’re looking at changing the underlying bundler at Gatsby. See the “How can I help?” section to see what we’re looking to get from you, our community!
  • Script Component: We would like to introduce a new API in Gatsby that aids in loading third-party scripts performantly.
  • GraphQL TypeScript Generation: A built-in way for automatic TypeScript type generation and better GraphQL IntelliSense.

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby
    • Limit node manifest file creation via PR #35359
  • gatsby-plugin-gatsby-cloud
  • gatsby-plugin-netlify-cms
    • Fix compatibility with React 18 via PR #35365
  • gatsby-source-wordpress
    • Fix static file creation when assets have no id in localFile via PR #35423
    • Opt out of AVIF image generation when not using Gatsby Cloud image service via PR #35370
  • gatsby-link
    • Modify relative links based on trailing slash option via PR #35444
  • gatsby-transformer-screenshot
    • Complete migration from better-queue to fastq via PR #35425
  • gatsby-source-contentful
    • Prevents null pointers when creating asset nodes that are not configured on some languages via PR #35244


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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