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v4.7 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@4.7.0 release (February 2022 #1)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

trailingSlash Option

Currently in Public Beta

Through the RFC Integrated handling of trailing slashes in Gatsby we’ve worked on making the trailing slashes feature a first-class citizen in Gatsby. We’re happy to announce that gatsby-config now supports a trailingSlash configuration with these three main options:

  • always: Always add trailing slashes to each URL, e.g. /x to /x/.
  • never: Remove all trailing slashes on each URL, e.g. /x/ to /x.
  • ignore: Don’t automatically modify the URL

You can set it like this:

Throughout Gatsby 4 the default setting for trailingSlash will be legacy (to keep the current behavior) but with Gatsby 5 we’ll remove the legacy setting and make always the default. Please note that these plugins are considered deprecated now: gatsby-plugin-force-trailing-slashes and gatsby-plugin-remove-trailing-slashes.

Gatsby Cloud supports this new setting out of the box and also uses 301 redirects to bring visitors to the right location. Locally you can use gatsby serve to see the behavior. Any other hosting provider (or if you’re managing this on your own) should follow the “Redirects, and expected behavior from the hosting provider” section on the initial RFC.

If you’re unit testing gatsby-link you’ll need to update the moduleNameMapper option to include gatsby-page-utils, see Unit Testing documentation for more details.

The information presented here is also available in the gatsby-config docs page and in the PR #34268 that implemented this.

Please share your feedback and any issues you encounter directly into the corresponding discussion.

Faster Schema Creation & createPages

We’ve seen a handful of sites struggling with long schema building and createPages steps. In this release, we’ve upgraded our external graphql-compose dependency to v9 to improve these steps by at least 30-50% for schemas/queries with many relationships. For example, one of our customers has seen improvements for createPages of 786s to 20s. This update is recommended to everyone and doesn’t necessitate any changes on your end.

More information can be found in the PR #34504.

Notable Bugfixes & Improvements

  • gatsby:
    • Handle export const syntax in pages and don’t remove config exports in non-pages, via PR #34581 & PR #34582
    • Fix an issue using a eq: $id filter with files, via PR #34693
  • gatsby-plugin-fullstory: Updated snippet, via PR #34583
  • gatsby-core-utils: Remote file downloads are now queued properly for all cases, via PR #34414
  • gatsby-plugin-preact: Fix alias for react-dom/server, via PR #34694
  • Added a vanilla-extract example project, via PR #34667


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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