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v4.20 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@4.20.0 release (August 2022 #1)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

RFC for changes in sort and aggregation fields in Gatsby GraphQL Schema

We are proposing Breaking Changes for the next major version of Gatsby to our GraphQL API. The goal of this change is increasing performance and reducing resource usage of builds. Proposed changes impact sort and aggregation fields (group, min, max, sum, distinct).

Basic example of proposed change:



To read more, head over to RFC: Change to sort and aggregation fields API. We appreciate any feedback there.

Release Candidate for gatsby-plugin-mdx v4

In case you missed it: We’re working on a new major version of gatsby-plugin-mdx to support MDX v2, improve build & frontend performance, and simplify the API.

You can now try out a release candidate version, head to the MDX v2 RFC to learn more.

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby
    • Preserve relative order of <head> meta tags, via PR #36158
    • Fixed --host and --https options for gatsby develop, via PR #36186 and PR #36248
    • Improved ContentSync mapping to also check Static Queries and type connections, via PR #36132
    • Allow export { default } syntax to export page template, via PR #29553
    • Fixed pathPrefix handling for DSG/SSR in gatsby serve, via PR #36231
    • Improved performance of sorting, filtering and aggregation on fields with custom resolvers, via PR #36253
  • gatsby-plugin-sass
    • Added support for additionalData option, via PR #36086
  • gatsby-plugin-sharp
    • Ensure min 1px height for BLURRED placeholder, via PR #35914
  • gatsby-plugin-utils
    • fixed IMAGE_CDN and FILE_CDN handling for urls requiring encoding, via PR #36179
  • gatsby-source-wordpress
    • Added option to disable automatic use of gatsby-plugin-catch-link through setting catchLinks: false in gatsby-source-wordpress plugin options, via PR #36141
  • gatsby-source-drupal
    • Added support for translated content in Content Sync, via PR #35514


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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