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v4.18 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@4.18.0 release (July 2022 #1)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

typesOutputPath option for GraphQL Typegen

We saw great adoption of the GraphQL Typegen feature we’ve added in the 4.15 Release. We’ve heard that the location of the automatically generated TypeScript definitions file should be configurable. By default, it’s generated in the src/gatsby-types.d.ts location.

You’re now able to specify the location of the generated types using the typesOutputPath option. The graphqlTypegen option accepts both a boolean and an object now. If you don’t pass an object (but graphqlTypegen: true), the default value for each option will be used.

The path is relative to the site root, in the example above the file would be generated at <root>/gatsby-types.d.ts. For more details and any future options, see the Gatsby Config API.

Server Side Rendering (SSR) in development

Shortly before v4 release, we disabled DEV_SSR flag because getServerData was not properly handled. In this release, we handled getServerData properly and restored the flag. Now you can add the DEV_SSR flag to your gatsby-config file so you can spot and fix SSR errors (like trying to access the window object) during development.

Open RFCs

We continue to have ongoing RFCs that we’d like your input on. Please give it a read, if applicable a try, and leave feedback!

  • Support for MDX v2: We are updating gatsby-plugin-mdx to be compatible with MDX v2. Keep a look out in the discussion for a canary to try!
  • Metadata Management API: We will be adding a built-in metadata management solution to Gatsby. Work is in progress and you can try out the canary now!

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby
    • Add retry mechanism for gatsby-node/config.ts compilation to fix intermittent bug during gatsby build, via PR #35974
    • Fix potentially wrong query results when querying fields with custom resolvers, via PR #35369
  • gatsby-cli: Set NODE_ENV earlier to fix Jest failing with Couldn't find temp query result error, via PR #35968
  • gatsby-source-wordpress: Always hydrate images and use the right parent element, via PR #36002
  • Properly compile all packages for Node and browser environment, via PR #35948
  • Use babel-plugin-lodash to reduce lodash size published packages, via PR #35947


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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