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v4.17 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@4.17.0 release (June 2022 #2)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

JavaScript and CSS bundling performance improvements

We are constantly on the hunt for ways to make Gatsby faster and more reliable, and in this release we made a change that saw a 39% speed increase in building production JavaScript and CSS bundles.

This was possible by ensuring that we only polyfill required modules based on your browserlist. For full details see PR #35702.

Incremental builds performance improvements

Continuing the performance trend, we also adjusted the way we generate our content digest, resulting in fewer changed nodes and invalidated queries.

In our test case we found invalidated queries were reduced from 40k to 6k, dramatically speeding up incremental builds. See PR #33671 for complete details.

Open RFCs

We continue to have ongoing RFCs that we’d like your input on. Please give it a read, if applicable a try, and leave feedback!

  • Support for MDX v2: We are updating gatsby-plugin-mdx to be compatible with MDX v2. Keep a look out in the discussion for a canary to try!
  • Metadata Management API: We will be adding a built-in metadata management solution to Gatsby. Work is in progress and you can try out the canary now!

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby:
    • Improve error message when engines try to bundle ts-node, via PR #35762
    • Stabilize types output of GraphQL typegen, via PR #35925
  • gatsby-source-drupal: Fix not found image urls failing builds, via PR #35855
  • gatsby-source-wordpress: Refactor option check, via PR #35827
  • gatsby-transformer-documentationjs: Add support for JSX files, via PR #35899


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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