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v4.10 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@4.10.0 release (March 2022 #2)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

Image CDN

Free your site from slow images forever. With the new Image CDN, we’ve added better support for remote files and images when building source plugins. The source plugins for WordPress & Contentful are already using the new RemoteFile GraphQL interface to enable the new GatsbyImage resolver (so you can try it out today). Other popular CMS and support for local files will follow. The new GatsbyImage resolver downloads images on demand and processes them during the build. This results in reduced build times and better user experience. You can even remove image processing as a whole during the build step! With Image CDN on Gatsby Cloud, we defer all image processing at the edge, getting even faster builds!

If you have feedback, please post it to the umbrella discussion. Thanks!

If you’re a source plugin author or written your custom source plugin, check out the enabling Image CDN support guide. You can also read the announcement blogpost Image CDN: Lightning Fast Image Processing for Gatsby Cloud to learn more.

Here’s how you can use it in your queries:

So gatsbyImage replaces gatsbyImageData that you know from gatsby-plugin-image already. Feature parity for its arguments is not 100%, but the most common operations behave the same. Read How to enable Image CDN to start using Image CDN today.

Once Image CDN is enabled, images will be served from a relative URL similar to this:

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby
    • Fix handling of encoded query params, via PR #34816
    • Fix incorrect “inconsistent node counters” errors, via PR #35025
    • Use gatsby-config.ts file when creating new Gatsby project with TypeScript, via PR #35128
    • Don’t write out page-data file if query rerun but result didn’t change, via PR #34925
  • gatsby-plugin-sharp
    • Fix MaxListenersExceededWarning messages, via PR #35009
    • Fix generating multiple similar images with different duotone settings, via PR #35075


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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