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v3.6 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@3.6.0 release (May 2021 #2)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog


This is a feature-packed release for Functions! Since Gatsby v3.4 you can enable them as a flag in your gatsby-config.js (learn more in the discussion).

Gatsby plugins (and thus also Gatsby themes) can ship serverless functions now (PR #31466). Place them inside src/api/%pluginName%/ and your users will be able to call them at /api/%pluginName%/ — this unlocks powerful plug-and-play opportunities like e-commerce themes that ship with frontend and backend logic. We’re eager to see in the discussion what you’re building.

Functions also support uploading files as part of forms with this release (PR #31470). You can access the data at req.files.

Last but not least we shipped multiple performance & DX improvements to Functions. We disabled minifaction of functions to speed up the build, enabled webpack 5 filesystem caching, and lazily compile functions in development to ensure a fast bootstrap.

Preview Status Indicator

With the latest release, we introduce our newest design for the preview status indicator. As with the previous indicator, you will need the latest version of gatsby-plugin-gatsby-cloud to be installed and configured in your gatsby-config.js file.

This indicator will show up on your previews hosted on Gatsby Cloud. There are 4 interactable states to alert to the user the state of their preview builds as well as giving more context to when things succeed or go wrong.

This only works with our next gen preview which is currently in the middle of being rolled out to all sites.

Showing the different states that the Preview Indicator can take. It's a rectangular container with three vertically stacked icons. The first icon is the Gatsby logo, the second icon indicates a link, and the third icon is an information icon. The Gatsby logo can indicate that the preview information is getting fetched, that a new preview is available, and that the preview has an error. In this case you can view logs. The link icon lets you copy the current URL path to share. The information icon tells you when the preview was last updated.

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby-source-wordpress: Add searchAndReplace feature, via PR #31091.
  • gatsby-plugin-sitemap: Fixes a bug where sitemaps were being written in a sub-directory but the sitemap index didn’t contain that sub-directory, via PR #31184. Also remove reporter.verbose calls that would spam your Gatsby Cloud logs, via PR #31448.
  • gatsby-source-drupal: Add toggleable multilingual support by prefixing nodes with their langcode, via PR #26720.
  • gatsby-plugin-image: Remove extra “margin” on CONSTRAINED images, via PR #31497.
  • gatsby-source-contentful: Use correct parameter for “focus” & fix dominant color on cropped images, via PR #31492.


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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