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v3.13 Release Notes

Welcome to gatsby@3.13.0 release (August 2021 #3)

Key highlights of this release:

Also check out notable bugfixes.

Bleeding Edge: Want to try new features as soon as possible? Install gatsby@next and let us know if you have any issues.

Previous release notes

Full changelog

Improved Changelogs

While the release notes (like the one you’re reading right now) are hand-written and manually published, the changelog of each package we publish has been autogenerated by lerna in the past and unfortunately the generated output wasn’t ideal for users to consume. We know that developers love detailed and accurate changelogs so we decided to replace lerna behavior with our own tooling. In PR #32884 we added these functionalities and the results are much better.

Take gatsby-plugin-image changelog as an example:

  • Each semver release is its own heading (+ the date it was released)
  • If applicable the general release notes are linked
  • The PRs are categorized into features, bug fixes, chores, and other

sharp v0.29

As always, thanks to lovell for maintaining sharp and sending in the PR #32851 to update sharp (see sharp v0.29 changelog) and our image plugins. gatsby-plugin-sharp now no longer uses imagemin but native sharp methods.

You’ll get these benefits by upgrading:

  • Reduced JPEG, PNG, and AVIF encoding time by up to 50%
  • Reduced Gatsby install size/time by ~10% (~19MB smaller on filesystem)
  • Improved AVIF image quality and will also work with Chrome 93+

Faster Sourcing for gatsby-source-drupal

You now can significantly speed up sourcing from your Drupal instance if you install JSON:API Extras and enable “Include count in collection queries” (/admin/config/services/jsonapi/extras). The PR #32883 leverages that information to enable parallel API requests.

For a test site with ~3200 entities and a warm Drupal cache (and no CDN cache), this change dropped sourcing time from 14s to 4s. On a very large production Drupal site (~600k entities), fetching time for a cold build dropped from 2 hours to 30 minutes 🚀.

webpack Caching in Development for Everyone

After ramping up the opt-in of this feature to 20% in v3.12 we’re now enabling this feature for everyone! So webpack 5 built-in persistent caching is now enabled for everyone both in development and production. It allows webpack to reuse results of previous compilations and significantly speed up those steps.

Notable bugfixes & improvements

  • gatsby-source-drupal: Provide an additional config option to specify entities that are not translatable to resolve to default language, via PR #32548
  • gatsby: Remove the removeDimensions option from svgo config, via PR #32834
  • gatsby: Hashes and anchors in redirects also work in production, via PR #32850
  • gatsby-plugin-gatsby-cloud: Always create the redirect.json file even if you remove all redirects, via PR #32845
  • gatsby-remark-images: Only convert supported image extensions, via PR #32868
  • gatsby-source-wordpress: Compatibility with Parallel Query Running (PQR), via PR #32779
  • gatsby-core-utils: Switch from deprecated auth option in got to username/password, via PR #32665
  • gatsby: Don’t log FAST_DEV messages multiple times, via PR #32961
  • gatsby: Fix for “Static Query cannot be found” error, via PR #32949


A big Thank You to our community who contributed to this release 💜

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