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Supported Git Providers

Gatsby Cloud provides VCS (Version Control System) integrations for your repositories in three major Git providers:

  • Github
  • GitLab
  • Bitbucket

These integrations allow you to automatically trigger builds for your commits and pull requests, and update your Gatsby Cloud site in real time.

Connecting to a Git provider

When creating a Gatsby Cloud site from a repository, you’ll be prompted to select one of the supported Git providers from which to import your repository:

List of supported Git providers

Linking to the repository

Depending on the Git provider you choose, a corresponding badge will be displayed on the site which links directly to the repository:

Dashboard link to connected repository

Git provider authentication status

Under “Workspace Settings > Git provider authentication status” you can view the status of the connections to each Git provider you’ve integrated with.

If any of these integrations has a failed connection, the workspace owner can refresh the connection from this tab.

Git provider authentication settings

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