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Gatsby Gazette | June 2021 Edition

Dustin Schau
June 16th, 2021

We’ve had an exciting month since our last newsletter, and we’ve got a lot to share with you. Let’s get to it!

Gatsby Product Updates – 🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢

  • New features for Functions on Gatsby Cloud now that they’re supported in themes and plugins, you can upload files as part of forms, and we shipped multiple performance and DX improvements. Head over to the docs to start using them now, and join our webinar next week for some expert tips.
  • Previews dripping with useful context since we rolled out our new  UI in Gatsby Cloud for CMS Previews. It looks even better in person, so sign up for Gatsby Cloud if you haven’t already.

  • Gatsby got faster (again) with three performance improvements, so you’ll see up to 20% faster CLI startup, up to 20% faster query running, 70% speedup to creating pages.
  • New Support for Google and Atlassian Bitbucket to broaden access to Gatsby Cloud. Users can connect their Bitbucket repositories to Build, Preview, and Host their Gatsby projects or login via Google Auth.
  • We shipped the all-new headless e-commerce experience powered by our latest Shopify Plugin, the newly abstracted Shopify API, and our Shopify Starter.

Agency Spotlight – The Pros Making 🔥 Gatsby Sites

Attach Digital launched Root Houseplants’ new headless commerce site using Gatsby, Shopify, and DatoCMS to solve the performance issues they were having with their old Wix site. Dive deep into the technical decision-making and execution by watching Attach’s recent talk from GatsbyCamp here.

Novvum launched Vise.com’s new site using Contentful, which also leverages a tool called Stackbit to provide drag and drop style editing for the content and marketing team. That’s some developer and marketer harmony, right here! Check out the site.

Gatsby Community Highlights – We see you, we love you.

Gatsby turned six! My, how time flies when you’re having fun and launching. Thanks for contributing to this incredible community and being a part of the journey.

Gatsby’s BFF Paul Scanlon demos just how fun the new Functions on Gatsby Cloud are and how quickly you can get started with them here.

Did you know Megan Sullivan is re-writing the entire Gatsby Tutorial? Not only that, she’s guiding us through it via livestream on the Gatsby Twitch channel! You can find the re-vamped Tutorial here, Megan’s videos on-demand here, and follow her on Twitter here so you don’t miss all the helpful bits of info she drops on a regular basis. 

The season finale of Nattermob Pirates is imminent! Join them on Friday, June 18th, before they break for Summer. Follow Benedicte Raae on Twitter for all programming updates. 

What are some of your favorite sites built on Gatsby? Let us know by tagging us on Twitter! Here are a few that the people in the community recently shared:

ICYMI: Gatsby joins React 18 working group to help build a better web. Read more about it on the Gatsby Blog in this post penned by Ward Peeters, Technical Lead for Gatsby Open Source.

Want to automatically share your Gatsby posts to Medium? Gatsby user Mihai Bojin shared how he did it using Mario Kandut’s tutorial in this tweet.

The votes are in! Night owls reign in Gatsby-land! If there’s a poll you’d like to see us share with the Gatsby community, let us know by reply to this email or tweeting directly at us! 

Content Roundup – Brainfood, but for your Gatsby site.

GatsbyCamp recordings are available and a big thank you to everyone who joined last week! We hope you enjoyed all the talks and left feeling inspired to use what you learned in your projects. If you weren’t able to make it and want to get in on the action, it’s not too late. To get all the on-demand videos delivered to your inbox right now, register here.

The Gatsby staff built six app prototypes in four hours as part of a friendly competition demonstrating Functions on Gatsby Cloud. The Twittersphere voted, and the rent-a-puppy service won. That’s technically cheating because if you don’t let puppies win, you’re a monster.

Jaxxon combined Gatsby and Shopify and doubled conversion rates on their new headless e-commerce site. They also have a super clever use of gatsby-source-google-sheets, so you’ll definitely want to read about that.

Upcoming Events – Meet the Gatsbytes. We’ll teach you stuff! 

Webinar | Make Your Website Dynamic with Functions on Gatsby Cloud

Send text messages from Twilio? Enter data into an Airtable project? Transpose images or media? Yes to all! The possibilities are endless with what your site can do with Functions on Gatsby Cloud. Join our webinar on Thursday, June 17th, as Gatsby’s Director of Product, Joel, and Senior Director of Product Marketing, teach you how to get started and quickly build impactful dynamic functionality. Register here.

Livestream | FUNctions with Gatsby’s Co-Founder, Kyle

Join host Generosa Litton, Sr. Solutions Engineer at Gatsby, and Gatsby Co-founder and CTO Kyle Mathews as Kyle demos Functions on Gatsby Cloud for some of the most common use cases. Click here to put it on your calendar and learn from the master.

Virtual Event | WP Engine Summit 2021

Join us and look for Gatsby co-founder Sam Bhagwat’s talk, “Conversion, Collaboration, Cohesion: Supercharging“, and make sure you stop by the Gatsby booth to chat with Tyler Barnes, Staff Software Engineer, WordPress, about everything you need to know about the fastest front-end for your WordPress site… and to collect your sweet (free!) Gatsby swag.

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Dustin is the co-founder and VP of Engineering at Gatsby, helping the team build out the fastest website framework and Cloud platform around. When he’s not focused on that, he likes to read mystery novels, relax with a glass of wine, and explore San Francisco with his wife.

Follow Dustin Schau on Twitter

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