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💌 Mailgo Gatsby plugin

a new concept of mailto and tel links



npm install --save gatsby-plugin-mailgo


yarn add gatsby-plugin-mailgo

then add gatsby-plugin-mailgo in your gatsby-config.js file.

module.exports = {
  plugins: [`...`, `gatsby-plugin-mailgo`, `...`],

You can pass the mailgo configuration with mailgoConfig option, here an example

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-mailgo`,
      options: {
        mailgoConfig: {
          dark: true,

you can create your mailgoConfig using all the attributes specified in the docs.

Be careful initEvent parameter, be sure that window has been initialized! We recommend not to specify it in mailgoConfig to avoid any type of error and be sure that mailgo will be started correctly.

Nothing more to have mailgo in your Gatsby!


Just adding the plugin, by default all mailto and tel links in your Gatsby website are enabled with mailgo!

See all the details of usage on https://mailgo.dev/docs/usage.


Here a repository of a Gatsby (created from gatsby-starter-default) website with mailgo https://github.com/manzinello/gatsby-mailgo-example and here you can see the website deployed https://gatsby-mailgo-example.mailgo.dev.

This example uses gatsby-plugin-mailgo with a configuration object to enable the dark mode.



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