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Just the basics, please.

This is not a design theme. It just provides some essential components on which to build a basic site.


  • react-helmet was replaced with Gatsby Head API in 5.x branch.

  • gatsby-plugin-preact was removed in 4.x branch due to React 18 incompatibility (Github issue).


For a full list of included plugins, see the package.json file.


npm i @laradevitt/gatsby-theme-just-basics


yarn add @laradevitt/gatsby-theme-just-basics


Fork the monorepo and run the starter from the workspaces root (requires Yarn):

yarn workspace gatsby-starter-just-basics gatsby develop



At the very least, you need:


module.exports = {
  // This theme requires these siteMetadata fields be set, but only siteUrl
  // requires a value; the others can be left blank.
  siteMetadata: {
    title: '',
    description: '',
    siteUrl: 'https://example.com',
    author: '',
  plugins: [



module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: 'Example Website',
    description: 'An excellent website.',
    siteUrl: 'https://example.com',
    author: '@twitteruser',
  plugins: [
      resolve: '@laradevitt/gatsby-theme-just-basics',
      options: {
        // Google Analytics.
        // Disabled by default. For more options, see docs for gatsby-plugin-google-gtag.
        analytics: {
          trackingIds: ['X-XXXXXXXXXX'], // required property
          gtagConfig: {
            anonymize_ip: true,
        // Canonical URLs.
        // Disabled by default. For more options, see docs for gatsby-plugin-canonical-urls.
        canonicalurls: {
          siteUrl: 'https://example.com', // required property
        // Preconnect.
        // Enabled by default but requires `domains` to be set. For more 
        // options, see docs for gatsby-plugin-preconnect.
        preconnect: {
          domains: ['https://foo.com', 'https://bar.com'], // required property
        // robots.txt configuration.
        // Enabled by default. If `host` isn't set, uses value of `siteMetadata.siteUrl`. 
        // For more options, see docs for gatsby-plugin-robots-txt.
        robotstxt: {
          policy: [{ userAgent: '*', allow: ['/'] }],
        // XML sitemap.
        // Enabled by default. Set `disable: true` to disable. For full plugin 
        // options, see docs for gatsby-plugin-sitemap.
        xmlsitemap: {
          output: '/',


You can optionally import the SEO component with:

import Seo from '@laradevitt/gatsby-theme-just-basics/src/components/seo';


(All props are optional. If title and description aren’t provided the values from siteMetadata will be used.)

export const Head = ({ location }) => (

const Page = ({ location }) => {
  return (
    <Layout location={location}>
        <Menu type="sub" />
        <Menu type="breadcrumb" />
        <h1>Contact Me</h1>
          Curabitur nec risus at nulla blandit maximus.

export default Page;

Optionally pass in your own meta tags:

export const Head = ({ location }) => (
    <meta property="og:locale" content="en" />
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