This plugin for Gatsby, sources data from BagelDB collections and inserts the data into Gatsby graphql. As a bonus, the library will also download all images referenced to allow using Gatsby Images plugin.
Learning Resources
To learn more about BagelDB and use it to its full potential check out the BagelDB docs here
npm install @bageldb/gatsby-source-bageldb
Inside your projects
, add to the plugins field the following:
plugins: [{
resolve: "@bageldb/gatsby-source-bageldb",
options: {
apiToken: "<API_TOKEN>", // <- Your BagelDB api token, with read permissions on the required collections
collections: ["REQUIRED_COLLECTIONS"] // <- All the collections you need sourced i.e "bio", "posts"
The recommended way to use the token, is to make use of environment variables. Set an environment variable to be BAGELDB_TOKEN and then use it in the config as such:
plugins: [{
resolve: "@bageldb/gatsby-source-bageldb",
options: {
apiToken: process.env.BAGELDB_TOKEN, // <- Your BagelDB api token, with read permissions on the required collections
collections: ["REQUIRED_COLLECTIONS"] // <- All the collections you need sourced i.e "bio", "posts"
How to query for data
You can now query the data as you would other forms of data, with simple graphql queries.
For Images fields, the plugin creates a new key for the local file so that you can use Gatsby Images. To keep the original data as well as the downloaded version, the plugin creates a new Node called <IMAGE_SLUG>Local
which contains the local file, as an example query, getting a bios, with a profile picture:
allBio {
nodes {
profilePicLocal {
childImageSharp {
gatsbyImageData(width: 200)
profilePic {