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The Gatsby Way of Building

How Gatsby Works

Get an inside look at the fastest frontend on the web.

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Combine Content & Data From Anywhere

Any CMS. Any API. Any file.

Combine Content & Data From Anywhere

Websites are becoming increasingly complex, needing to integrate content and data from different Content Management Systems like WordPress, or Ecommerce platforms like Shopify, or even Login APIs like Auth0.

With an elegant, unified data layer, Gatsby allows developers to quickly fetch and render content from nearly any content or data source.

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Write Apps with Better Building Blocks

Write Apps with Better Building Blocks

Gatsby brings React’s component model to websites. Declarative UI makes your code easier to debug and helps your team move faster. Plus, you can write in modern Javascript or SCSS / LESS without the hassle of setting up an asset pipeline.

Take web performance to the next level

Take web performance to the next level

Making your site fast doesn’t have to be a constant struggle requiring a dedicated team of performance engineers. If you build with Gatsby, your site will be a lightning-fast progressive web app (PWA) right out of the box. That means pages load in milliseconds and transitions feel buttery-smooth.

One-click, Global Deployment

One-click, Global Deployment

With Gatsby, your website lives on the edge. Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) live close to your end user and don’t require app servers or databases to serve content - so your end users get a fast and secure experience. You can choose from several CDNs like Gatsby Cloud, Netlify, Cloudflare, to AWS Cloudfront or Akamai.

Get started in minutes

Launch your Gatsby website in Gatsby Cloud for the optimal experience.

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