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Using Gatsby with WordPress

For teams experienced with WordPress development, adding Gatsby is a great way to add modern performance, scalability, security, and development speed benefits while retaining the familiar content creation user interface offered by WordPress.

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When Is WordPress + Gatsby a Good Idea?

WordPress + Gatsby is great for:

  • Content teams who are comfortable with the WordPress content editing experience
  • Development teams who value using popular, open-source technologies
  • Redesigns of sites with content already stored in WordPress
  • Teams who want to own their data and tech stack
  • Complex access control workflows or content modelling restrictions
  • Projects where security is important
  • High demand projects where performance is paramount

WordPress + Gatsby is not-so-great for:

  • Teams requiring the use of WordPress UI themes
  • Those looking for a fully managed cloud CMS

What Does It Take to Implement WordPress + Gatsby?

Many development teams, content teams, and client decision-makers are familiar with WordPress.

Using Gatsby together with WordPress is an extremely easy migration path for website teams looking for better security, site performance, and development speed.

Clients are often familiar with WordPress content management workflows. Instead of attempting to convince them to use a whole new stack, using Gatsby alongside WordPress is a way to deliver benefits without changing their content editing experience.

Hooking up Gatsby to a new or existing WordPress site takes just a few minutes:

  1. Add the WPGatsby and WPGraphQL plugins to your WordPress site
  2. Add our WordPress plugin to your Gatsby site
  3. Configure the plugin with your WordPress credentials & host URL
  4. Access all your WordPress data using GraphQL queries
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