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GatsbyConf Q&A: Joel Varty on the State of the Jamstack

Joel Varty, president of Agility CMS, will be speaking at GatsbyConf on March 2nd! His presentation "Architecting Fullstack Solutions in a Jamstack World" will show why Jamstack architecture is more than just a frontend and discuss the kinds of solutions that Jamstack is great at solving. Joel will also demonstrate how you can add existing APIs onto your Jamstack solution -- and how you can build new APIs to solve unique customer problems. We caught up with Joel for a quick pre-conf chat about Gatsby and the Jamstack.

Michelle Gienow
Michelle Gienow February 8th, 2021

CMS, GatsbyConf, jamstack

Rebuilding the Agility CMS Website with Gatsby (one page at a time)

Security for Modern Web Frameworks.

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What the JAMstack means for marketing

Gatsby And The JAMstack – A Bright Future For The Web

JAM Out Your Blog – Gatsby + Prose + Netlify

Picking a backend for GatsbyJS

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