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2020February 3rd, Los Angeles, CA USA

Gatsby Days Los Angeles featured a fantastic roster of community speakers and topics ranging from accessible components, how to make Gatsby even faster, Gatsby + Shopify, and more.

The whole event is currently available on YouTube.

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2019September 30th, London, UK

Gatsby Days London features presentations from guest speakers and the Gatsby team on Preview, Gatsby + WordPress, web accessibility, and more. Learn what’s new with the Gatsby community and products, and how people are building Gatsby applications in the real world.

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2019May 6th, New York, NY

The Gatsby team and guest speakers from Harry’s and Delicious Simplicity talk about Gatsby Themes, new products, case studies, the future of the web, and how Gatsby can be a gamechanger for agencies.

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2018December 7th, Mountain View, CA

Kyle Mathews, and Gatsby team members, spoke about the modern website stack, use cases, and deep dive topics such as how to build web apps with Gatsby, and how to get started building with modern website development tools.

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