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style9 dynamic value

A version of style9 that supports dynamic values


CSS-in-JS compiler based on the ideas of Facebook’s stylex


  • Compiles to atomic CSS
  • Typed styles using TypeScript
  • Converts font-size to REM¹
  • No selectors


# Yarn
yarn add style9

# npm
npm install style9


import style9 from 'style9';

// Styles are created by calling style9.create
const styles = style9.create({
  blue: {
    color: 'blue',
  red: {
    color: 'red'

// `styles` is now a function which can be called with the keys of the style
// object, and returns a string of class names.
// Ternary operator and logical AND is supported
document.body.className = styles('blue', isRed && 'red');

// `styles` can also be called with an object of booleans
  blue: isBlue,
  red: isRed

// To combine with external styles, style9 can be called with the style objects
style9(styles.blue, otherStyles.yellow);

// Styles have to be statically defined, but constants are supported
const RED = 'red';

const moreStyles = style9.create({
  red: {
    color: RED
  margin: {
    // All properties are written in camelcase
    // Integers are converted to pixels where appropriate
    marginTop: 8
  longhands: {
    // Because of how classnames are resolved,
    // shorthand CSS properties are not supported
    // background: 'red' // INVALID
    backgroundColor: 'red', // OK
    // Some shorthand properties can be automatically expanded
    borderColor: 'blue' // will make all sides blue
    // Supported shorthands include borderColor, borderRadius, borderStyle,
    // borderWidth, margin, overflow, overscrollBehavior, and padding
    // See Style.d.ts for a complete list of supported CSS properties
  padding: {
    // Longhands take precedent over shorthands
    // Will resolve to '12px 12px 12px 18px'
    paddingLeft: 18,
    padding: 12
    // Shorthand values will be copied to longhands which means
    // `padding: '12px 18px'` etc. is not supported
  text: {
    // Font size is converted to REMs to follow users settings
    fontSize: 14
  fadeIn: {
    // Animation names are created by calling style9.keyframes
    animationName: style9.keyframes({
      from: {
        opacity: 0
      to: {
        opacity: 1
    animationDuration: '1s'
  mobile: {
    // Media queries are supported as well
    // They will be sorted mobile-first
    // NOTE: Media queries are not supported in TypeScript due to issue #17867
    '@media (min-width: 800px)': {
      display: 'none'
  pseudo: {
    // Pseudo-classes and elements can be used
    ':hover': {
      // They can be nested, as can media queries
      ':active': {
        '::before': {
          content: 'attr(title)'


  • minifyProperties - minify the property names of style objects. Unless you pass custom objects to style9() not generated by style9.create(), this is safe to enable and will lead to smaller JavaScript output but mangled property names. Consider enabling it in production. Default: false


const babel = require('@babel/core');

const output = babel.transformFile('./file.js', {
  plugins: [['style9/babel', { /* options */ }]]
// Generated CSS


import style9 from 'style9/rollup';

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
      // include & exclude are supported according to rollup conventions
      // Either fileName or name is required. It will be passed to emitFile
      // fileName: unique name to for output file
      // name: name to use for output.assetFileNames pattern
      // ...Options


const Style9Plugin = require('style9/webpack');
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(tsx|ts|js|mjs|jsx)$/,
        use: Style9Plugin.loader,
        options: { /* ...Options */ }
        test: /\.css$/i,
        use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'css-loader']
  plugins: [
    new Style9Plugin(),
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin()


const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['style9']);
const withStyle9 = require('style9/next');

module.exports = withStyle9({ /* ...Options */ })(withTM());


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'style9/gatsby',
      options: { /* ...Options */ }


There is an example repo you can see to get started.

CSS Custom Properties with TypeScript

When using CSS properties not included in the type definition, such as CSS Custom Properties, TypeScript will error. There are two ways of dealing with this:

  1. Module augmentation. This will affect every use.
declare module 'style9/Style' {
  interface StyleProperties {
    '--bg-color'?: string;
  1. Type assertion
const styles = style9.create({
  lightTheme: {
    ["--bg-color" as any]: "#CCC"
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