Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubGoogle Analytics Page Views
A Gatsby source plugin to retrieve page views from Google Analytics for StackCheats. Please find the plugin configurations and docs below
[:construction: Development in progress]
Add the following plugin configuration in gatsby-config.js
to activate the plugin
resolve: `sc-ga-views`,
options: {
email: process.env.GA_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_MAIL,
viewId: process.env.GA_VIEW_ID,
keyFile: `<path to secrets (JSON | P12)>`,
To communicate with Google Analytics, a service account is required. Once the Service Account is successfully created and the Google Analytics API is enabled, fill the plugin configurations with the following
email Service Account email
viewId Google Analytics View ID
keyFile Secrets Key file generated for Service Account (JSON | P12)
Following GraphQL can be used to retrieve the page views
allSheetViews(filter: {slug: {eq: $slug } }) {
edges {
node {
sheetViews(slug: {eq: $slug }) {