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NOTE: This plugin requires that your Wagtail site uses the Wagtail-Grapple

library to build a compatible GraphQL endpoint. This plugin requires an existing GraphQL endoint and does not work with wagtail out of the box.

Features: 🚀

  • Stitches your Wagtail GraphQL endpoint into your internal Gastby one.
  • Simple router that matches your Django models to Gatsby templates.
  • Redirect support which makes your Wagtail redirects work with sites hosted on Netlify & S3.
  • Out-of-the-box support for Wagtail Preview with realtime updates as you type in the admin.
  • Fragments for cool images with Gatsby Image.

How to use


Just install the package via NPM: npm install gatsby-source-wagtail

If you want to use the Gatsby Image fragments then you will need to install the server-side Wagtail library for this also:

Wagtail Gatsby.


Simply add the package to your gatsby-config.js with the url to your Wagtail GQL endpoint:

  resolve: "gatsby-source-wagtail",
  options: {
    url: "http://localhost:8000/graphql"

Available Config Options

Option Required Description Datatype Default
url Y The url of the Wagtail GraphQL endpoint string null
websocketUrl N* The url of your GraphQL subscriptions endpoint, during development this can be inferred but will likely need to be set in a production env string N/A
headers N A JSON object of headers you want appended to all HTTP requests (Gatsby Build + Page Preview). json {}
fieldName N* The field name you want your remote endpoint accessible under. If you have multiple connections then you will need to provide a value for at least one of them. string wagtail
typeName N* The internal type name of the remote schema. You can ignore this unless you have multiple connections, if so, you will need to provide a value (just copy fieldName). string wagtail
isDefault N* A settings that tells the plugin which Wagtail is the default is the primary/default one and should be used for preview and page generation. If you have multiple connections then you need to choose which one you will generate pages from, multiple site page generation is planned for future development. string true

Page Router

This source plugin provides an easy to use router that maps a Django model to a specifc Gatsby template. Simply pass a JSON map like so to the function in your gatsby-node.js. This router also adds Wagtail Preview to your Gatsby site automagically! Now just point your backend to your Gatsby site and everything will work: [How to link Wagtail & Gatsby](LINK TO BACKEND DOCS).

This maps a Django model with Contentype of home.BlogPage to a template located at ./src/templates/blog.js

const { createWagtailPages } = require("gatsby-source-wagtail/pages.js")

exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  return createWagtailPages({
      "home.BlogPage": "templates/blog.js",
  }, graphql, actions, [])

Here is an example template:


export default BlogPage = ({ data }) => {
  const { page } = data.wagtail

  return (
      <h1>{ page.title }</h1>

export const query = graphql`
  query($slug: String) {
    wagtail {
      page(slug: $slug) {
        ...on BlogPage {

As you can see some information about the specific page is passed to page through gatsby’s context prop. The following passed variables and hence are availble in the templates GraphQL query are:

  • $id: Int
  • $slug: String
  • $url: String
  • $contentType: String


There isn’t much you need to know about redirects, basically the plugin queries your Wagtail endpoint for any redirects that have been defined and if they exist then they are passed to Gatsby createRedirect function which works out of the box with Netlify & S3 hosting.

Image Fragments

As mentioned, the library supports Gatsby Image assuming the Wagtail Gatsby has been installed. The availble image fragments are:

  • WagtailImageFixed
  • WagtailImageFixed_tracedSVG
  • WagtailImageFixed_noBase64
  • WagtailImageFluid
  • WagtailImageFluid_tracedSVG
  • WagtailImageFluid_noBase64
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