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Plugin for gatsby-transformer-yaml-full to parse json parseable strings.


$ npm install gatsby-yaml-full-jsonify gatsby-transformer-yaml-full


// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-yaml-full',
      options: {
        plugins: [
            resolve: 'gatsby-yaml-full-jsonify'
    // ...


Use the !jsonify tag before a string to parse it into a parseable json string. The string can be multiline or one line. You can omit double quotes for keys, but not for values.


YAML file

# post.yaml

title: Blog post
config: !jsonify |
  string: "value"
  number: 2
  object: { key: "value" } 
  array: ["1", 2]
data: !jsonify 'key: "value"'

Returning object

  title: 'Blog post',
  config: '{ \"string\": \"value\", \"number\": 2, \"object\": { \"key\": \"value\" }, \"array\": [\"1\", 2]}',
  data: '{ \"key\": \"value\"}'
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