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gatsby-yaml-full-import npm

Plugin for gatsby-transformer-yaml-full to enable import of other YAML files or fields using !import tag.


npm install gatsby-yaml-full-import gatsby-transformer-yaml-full


/* gatsby-config.js */

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-yaml-full',
      options: {
        plugins: ['gatsby-yaml-full-import']

Import all fields from a file

The following ./index.yaml and ./post.yaml files, respectively:

importedPost: !import ./post.yaml
title: Post title

Will return:

  data: {
    indexYaml: {
      importedPost: {
        title: 'Post title'

With the following query:

query {
  indexYaml {
    importedPost {

Import a specific field from a file

An exclamation mark (!) separates the file name from the field query. The field query supports array indexes too.

The following ./index.yaml and ./post.yaml files, respectively:

importedAuthorName: !import ./post.yaml!authors.1.name
- name: John Doe
- name: John Q.

Will return:

  data: {
    indexYaml: {
      importedAuthorName: 'John Q.'

With the following query:

query {
  indexYaml {


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