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Gatsby Transformer: MDX Content Pages

This plugin serves as the basic building block for any MDX powered website- pages generated from 1-to-1 relationships with MDX files. Beyond that, the plugin offers a few APIs that allow for extending these pages with whatever functionality you may need- as such, the plugin alone supplies the bare minimum for creating pages.

How to Use

There are many ways to use this plugin, and it’s made such that you can use as much or as little functionality as you’d like.

No options

This method is only useful for the most basic sites, but it’s here if you want it.

plugins: [

This will process all MDX files into ContentPage-inheriting nodes called MDXContentPage.
You can query for these in createPages to make site pages yourself, or have a plugin like gatsby-plugin-create-content-pages do it for you.

Before your site will work, you’ll have to make template files in the template directory. This is src/templates by default.

Basic options

You may also use the default logic on only certain MDX nodes depending on the files they come from, or change where the plugin looks for templates.

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-mdx-content-pages`,
    options: {
      relativeDirectory: `pages`,
      sourceInstanceName: `content`,
      templateDirectory: `src/components`,
      defaultTemplate: `page`

The options in this example will make this instance of the plugin operate only on files retrieved from an instance of gatsby-source-filesystem with the name “content”, in the directory pages relative to that instance’s root.
Leaving either relativeDirectory or sourceInstanceName out will mean those filters will not be run, letting you filter on only one of the conditions.
Leaving both out means no filters will be run, meaning all MDX nodes will be used.

templateDirectory is the directory the plugin will search for page components, relative to the project root.
It’s src/templates by default. If you want to look in another directory, like src/components, you can specify it in this option.

In the default getTemplate function, MDX nodes without a template specified in frontmatter will use the component named default in the template directory.
The defaultTemplate option changes this behavior specifically, allowing you to default to another filename like page.

Advanced options

In the case of situations where you want specialized logic in how page paths and templates are resolved, or you want to filter which nodes are made in a completely different way from the usual, there are options available to override the internal functions used for these purposes.

This feature is also mandatory if your MDX nodes are coming from somewhere other than gatsby-source-filesystem.

const alternatePagePathMaker = require('./page-path-maker')

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-transformer-mdx-content-pages`,
    options: {
      getTemplate: ({node, getNode}, options) => ([...]),
      filterNode: ({node, getNode}, options) => ([...]),
      makePagePath: alternatePagePathMaker,


typeName: String = “MdxContentPage”

This is the type name used for nodes generated by this plugin.

It’s reused in multiple places, so make sure to set it here over anywhere else.

filterNode: Function

This function is used to determine which MDX nodes to act on.

If the return value is true, the node will be processed. Otherwise, it will be skipped.

The default function assumes the parent node is a File, and filters using relativeDirectory and fileNode. When neither is specified, all MDX nodes will be processed.

Options used by the default function

sourceInstanceName: String | Array

When specified, this instance of the plugin will only act on nodes whose parent File is generated by an instance of gatsby-source-filesystem with a matching name setting.

An array can also be specified to match multiple instances.

relativeDirectory: String | Array

When specified, this instance of the plugin will only act on nodes whose parent Files have a relative directory matching this string.

An array can also be specified to match multiple directories.

includeSubdirectories: Boolean = false

When set to true, MDX files with a source directory that’s within the specified relative directory will also be processed by the plugin.

makePagePath: Function

This option allows you to override the function that generates paths that pages will be written to.

It receives two arguments:

  • {node, getNode}: an object containing the MDX node and Gatsby’s getNode function so that we can reach into other related nodes, like the File parent.

  • options: All the options provided to the plugin are shared with this function.

Options used by the default function

basePath: String = ”/”

This string is prepended to all pages made by the default makePagePath function.

indexName: String = “index”

When a page doesn’t have a defined slug and its filename (without the extension) matches this string, the resulting path is set to the parent directory.

Essentially, this emulates the behavior of index.html in a standard web server.

getTemplate: Function

This option allows you to override the function that determines which template each page will use.

The default attempts to use a template specified in frontmatter, then tries a directory-specific template from directoryTemplates, and finally falls back to the defaultTemplate option.

It receives two arguments:

  • {node, getNode}: an object containing the MDX node and Gatsby’s getNode function so that we can reach into other related nodes, like the File parent.

  • options: All the options provided to the plugin are shared with this function.

Options used by the default function

templateDirectory: String = “src/templates”

This string represents the directory that templates are stored.
It is prepended to all templates, including the default.

directoryTemplates: Object<String, String>

When the given MDX node doesn’t specify a template in frontmatter, the parent File’s relative directory is used on this object and, if there’s a value there, that value is used as the template.

defaultTemplate: String

If no frontmatter template is specified and there’s no matching directory template, this string will be used as the page’s template.

buildNodeId: Function

This option allows you to override how node’s IDs are made in onCreateNode. There isn’t much point to it, but it’s there if you need it.

It receives two arguments:

  • {node, createNodeId}: an object containing the MDX node and Gatsby’s createNodeId function that hashes the input to make an ID.

  • options: All the options provided to the plugin are shared with this function.

The default function is essentially the template string ${node.id} >>> ${options.typeName} wrapped in createNodeId. This should be sufficient for any purpose.

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