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This plugin transforms the estates that where fetched by the gatsby-source-is24 plugin. The properties are normalized and reduced to the keys in the config file. The fields and maxDimensions of the attachments can additionally be specified as options.


npm install --save gatsby-transformer-estates

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js

// without options

// OR

// with options
plugins: [
  resolve: `gatsby-transformer-estates`,
  options: {
    // optional option properties
    // fields = [default_fields], // The whitelisted fields to be kept in sanitized data
    // maxDimensions = { // the max dimensions the image urls should be scaled to
    //   height: 3000,
    //   width: 3000
    // },

How to query

You can query npm nodes like the following

allEstatesSanitized {
  allIs24EstatesSanitized {
    edges {
      node {

singleEstateSanitized {
  is24EstatesSanitized(id: { eq: "123456" }) {


  • write tests
  • Roll out for other types
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