Gatsby transformer Bibtex
This plugin relies on gatsby-source-filesystem
to detect bibtex
files in your project and provide the associated nodes in GraphQL queries.
Adding the plugin
In your gatsby-config.js
, add gatsby-source-filesystem
and gatsby-transformer-bibtex
, making sure that the former is before the latter.
plugins: [
// ...,
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `documents`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/assets/documents`,
// ...
The path you specify in the options of gatsby-source-filesystem
must contain all the bibtex files, with a .bib
Static Queries
Once added, the plugin will add Reference
nodes to your GraphQL queries, allowing you for example to write the following query in a StaticQuery component or a page:
query {
allReference {
edges {
node {
Special fields
Every field is simply the string value that was in the corresponding Bibtex entry, except for some fields that have a special behaviour.
- The
field contains the type of the entry. For example, an entry starting with@article{...
will have"article"
in itsentry_type
field. - The
field is either the providedissue_date
if it exists, oryear
if it does not. It is always astring
. - The
field is a list of the authors’ names, that has been extracted from the bibtex. - The
field contains the entire bibtex entry as a raw string. - The
is created if ayoutube
field is in your bibtex file. If youryoutube
field contains a youtubeId, it’s just copied, if it contains a youtube link, the id is extracted from it.
Working with files
It is possible to work with local files, and to create fields of type File
in your nodes.
If in every of your entries, for a given field, the value is not specified (null
) or it is a relative path to a file, then Gatsby will transform it into a File
field provided by gatsby-source-filesystem
. In particular, this field contains a publicURL
field that is useful if you want to add a link to the file.
For example, if the path you gave to gatsby-source-fileystem
├── paper_a.pdf
└── publications.bib
where publications.bib
author = {Name, Your and Of-Yours, Coauthor},
title = {Paper A},
file = {paper_a.pdf}
In the code above, paper_a.pdf
should be replaced by a path relative to where the .bib file is.
Note that the parser does not handle comments, bibtex file should be kept comment-free.
I would also advise to keep the bibtex entries as simple as possible, since gatsby-transformer-bibtex has to handle fields manually, so only a limited amount of field will be working correctly.
Then you can create a component in the following way:
import React from "react"
import { StaticQuery, graphql } from "gatsby"
const ComponentName = () => (
reference(key: {eq: "some_key"}) {
file {
render={data => <a href={data.reference.file.publicURL}>Link to Paper A</a>}
export default ComponentName
This project is not extremely mature, but I’ve had feedback that it is used. PRs and issues are more than welcome 😁
This project is under MIT License, see License file.