Gatsby Theme Photo Albums
With this theme, you may add some photo albums to your Gatsby site. The albums are generated from folders and image files that are placed within a specific directory. To see the theme in action, check out this demo.
Set up a Gatsby site.
Install the theme
npm i gatsby-theme-photo-albums
yarn add gatsby-theme-photo-albums
Add the theme to your
:module.exports = { plugins: [ { resolve: "gatsby-theme-photo-albums", } ] }
If you want to change the default behavior, add some options to gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-theme-photo-albums",
options: {
baseUrl: '/', // the path to the photo albums from your site (default: '/')
photosPerPage: 15, // the number of photos to display on a page (default: 15)
albumsPath: 'photo-albums', // the directory where you put photo albums (default: 'photo-albums')
folderIconDir: folder-icon // the directory containing a custom folder icon (do not specify the file name)
Adding Photo Albums
Add some folders and image files to your albums directory. The default directory is photo-albums
, but this can be changed with the albumsPath
configuration option. Each folder you create inside the albums directory is a photo album.
Customizing Styles
This theme utilizes gatsby-plugin-theme-ui, which makes it easy to override CSS styles provided by the theme. If you want to change the styles provided by this theme, create a src/gatsby-theme-photo-albums
directory in your site and add a file called theme.js
to the directory. To override the styles, you will want to do a deep merge of the original styles object. One way to do this merge is to use Lodash merge function.
To install the Lodash merge function:
npm i lodash.merge
yarn add lodash.merge
Here is an example of a style customization, where the default background color is changed, by using the Lodash merge function in the src/gatsby-theme-photo-albums/theme.js
import merge from 'lodash.merge'
import baseTheme from 'gatsby-theme-photo-albums/src/theme'
export const theme = merge({}, baseTheme, {
colors: {
background: '#eee',
export default theme
The default styles can be seen in the src/theme.js
file of the gastsby-theme-photo-albums theme.
Component Shadowing
Thanks to Gatsby’s awesome Component Shadowing functionality, you may override any component provided by gatsby-theme-photo-albums
. For example, you may change the text of the “Next Page” pagination link, by implementing your own custom PreviousPageText component. To override PreviousPageText, add the following code to a file called src/gatsby-theme-photo-albums/components/pagination/PreviousPageText.js
import React from 'react'
const NextPageText = () =>
<span className='next-page'>
Siguiente →
export default NextPageText
In the example above, the text of the “Next Page” pagination link was changed from English to Spanish. To see other components that may be overriden with Component Shadowing, look in the src
directory of the gatsby-theme-photo-albums