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Gatsby Theme Paste

A unofficial Gatsby blog theme using Paste with high accecibility and inclusion.


For a new site

If you want to create a new site with this theme, run the command below. This will generate a new site with all necessary configurations.

gatsby new my-paste-blog https://github.com/shyamajp/gatsby-theme-paste-starter

For an existing site

  1. Install the theme
  npm install gatsby-theme-paste
  1. Add the configuration to your gatsby-config.js file
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-paste`,
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: `/blog`,
  1. Add blog posts to your site by creating md or mdx files inside /content/posts or your customised contentPath.

  2. Run your site.

gatsby develop

By default, your site will be running at http://localhost:8000.


This is an example project structure

Project Structure

📂 my-paste-blog
+---📜 gatsby-config.js
+---📜 package.json
+---📂 content
    +---📂 assets
    │   +---🖼️ avatar.png
    │   +---🖼️ default.jpg
    │   +---🖼️ main.jpg
    │   +---📜 about.md
    │   +---📜 contact.md
    │   +---📜 privacy-and-policy.md
    +---📜 my-first-blog.md
    +---📜 my-second-blog.mdx
    +---📂 my-third-blog
        +---📜 blog-content.mdx
        +---🖼️ blog-image.jpg

Theme options

Key Default value Description
basePath / Root url for all blog posts
contentPath content/posts Location of blog posts
limit 1000 Set the amount of pages that should be generated

Example Usage

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: "gatsby-theme-paste",
      options: {
        // basePath defaults to `/`
        basePath: "/blog",
        // number of posts in one page
        postsPerPage: 10,

Site Metadata Configuration

Key Type Description
title String Site title for SEO
description String Site description for SEO
author Author detail displayed in the sidebar and footer
author.name String Name of the author
author.description String Description of the author
siteUrl String Site url
menuLinks [] Menu items displayed in the header
menuLinks.name String Name of the menu item
menuLinks.link String Link of the menu item
quickLinks [] Quick link items displayed in the footer
quickLinks.name String Name of the quick link item
quickLinks.link String Link of the quick link item
social [] Social links displayed in the sidebar and footer
social.name String Name of the social site
social.url String Url of the social site

In addition to the theme options, there are a handful of items you can customize via the siteMetadata object in your site’s gatsby-config.js.

Example Usage

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    // Used for SEO
    title: "My Blog Title",
    description: "My site description",
    // Used for SEO in the footer and sidebar
    author: {
      name: "shyamajp",
      description: "I love technologies!",
    // Used for resolving images in social cards
    siteUrl: "https://example.com",
    // Used for internal links in the header
    menuLinks: [
        name: "Home",
        link: "/",
        name: "About",
        link: "/about",
    // Used for quick links in the footer
    quickLinks: [
        name: "Home",
        link: "/",
        name: "About",
        link: "/about",
        name: "Tags",
        link: "/tags",
        name: "Categories",
        link: "/about",
    // Used for social links in the footer and sidebar
    social: [
        name: "Twitter",
        url: "https://twitter.com/gatsbyjs",
        name: "GitHub",
        url: "https://github.com/gatsbyjs",
        name: "YouTube",
        url: "https://www.youtube.com/",
        name: "LinkedIn",
        url: "https://www.linkedin.com/",

Blog Post Fields

The following are the defined blog post fields based on the node interface in the schema

Field Type
title String
body String
date Date
tags String[]
excerpt String
image String
imageAlt String
type “post” or “page”

An example markdown looks like the following:

title: "Blog title"
date: 2022-01-01
image: "./blog-image.jpg"
description: "This is just an example description."
  - "technologies"
  - "tutorial"
  - "react"
  - "gatsby"
type: "post"

# Yay

This blog renders!



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