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πŸ‘€ Gatsby Minimalist Theme

Welcome to my Minimalist Gatsby Theme repository! A live demo of the theme can be found here.

πŸ’» Installation

To use the Gatsby Minimalist Theme in your site, follow this instruction:

  1. Install Theme:

    yarn add gatsby-theme-minimalist
  2. Add this theme to your gatsby-config.js file and adjust the options to fit your needs.
    You can find a detailed explanation about the options object further below.

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [{
        resolve: "gatsby-theme-minimalist",
        options: {
          // SEO
          title: "Your site title",
          description: "Your site description",
          siteUrl: "https://your-future-site.com",
          appName: "Your pwa app name",
          // Content
          headline: "Your headline",
          subHeadline: "Your <strong>meaningful</strong> message.<br/>",
          socialList: [{
            icon: 'FaGithub', // a detailed explanation can be found in the options section
            url: 'https://github.com/your-profile',
            ariaLabel: 'Link to my GitHub profile',
  3. Start developing:

    yarn develop
  4. Build production:

    yarn build

βš™οΈ Options

In order to provide a big selection of icons, this theme makes use of the fabulous React Icons library. The React Icons library comes with 9 different icon sets (FontAwesome, Ionic, Material Design, Typicons, Github Octicons, Feather, Game, Weather, and Dev). Just browse through the vast list of icons https://react-icons.netlify.com and copy the icon name (e.g. FaTwitter) and paste it to your options in the socialList[{icon: 'FaTwitter'}] option section.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Contributing

Just submit an issue, be it a bug report or a feature request. I’m always happy to accept new pull requests.

πŸ™Œ Credits

Special thanks to @JCofman for the idea and recommendation to use React Icons in this theme!

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