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💡 What does it do?

This plugin handles creating pages in Gatsby for all of the content sourced by gatsby-source-wordpress.

🚀 Quick start

Use my starter project gatsby-starter-headless-wordpress or follow the getting started section for gatsby-source-wordpress

Install and add the theme to your gatsby-config.js

yarn add gatsby-theme-headless-wordpress gatsby-source-wordpress

Minimal gatsby-config setup

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
      options: {
        // the only required plugin option for WordPress is the GraphQL url.
          process.env.WPGRAPHQL_URL ||

    `gatsby-theme-headless-wordpress`, // no plugin options are required

Plugin Options

  resolve: `gatsby-theme-headless-wordpress`
  options: {
     templatesPath: `./src/templates`, // default ~ the folder where you will keep your page template files
     excludedNodeTypes: [`MediaItem`], // default ~ excludes creating pages for individual media items
     excludedPageUrls: [`/hello-world/`, `/test-page/`], // this is empty by default ~ excludes creating pages by their uri
     type: {
       __all: { // '__all' will override options for all post types
         postsPerPage: 999
       post: { // 'post' will override options for a specific post type, matching by graphqlSingleName
         postsPerPage: 999
       page: { // 'page' will override options for a specific post type, matching by graphqlSingleName
         postsPerPage: 999
       anyCustomPostType: { // 'anyCustomPostType' will override options for a specific post type, matching by graphqlSingleName
         postsPerPage: 999
       category: { // 'category' will override options for the specific taxonomy term node
         postsPerPage: 999
       tag: { // 'tag' will override options for that specific taxonomy term node
         postsPerPage: 999
       anyCustomTaxonomy: { // 'customTaxonomy' will override options for that specific taxonomy term node
         postsPerPage: 999


Currently supports WP templates, pages, posts, archive pages, taxonomies (tags, categories, custom taxonomies), custom post types, and custom post type archives.

If the WPGraphQL Yoast SEO Addon is installed in WordPress, this plugin will query the seo data for each node and pass it to the page context. { pageContext: { seo } }


To use different templates for a single post type, a template must be assigned to the page/post in WP.

The template files will follow this folder structure with camel cased names. Supports any file extension. (.js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx)

├── src
    ├── templates
        ├── page // post type graphqlSingleName
            ├── default.tsx
            ├── fullWidth.tsx // name of the template assigned to the page in WP (camelCased)
        ├── post
            ├── default.tsx
        ├── archive
            ├── post.tsx // post type graphqlSingleName
            ├── product.tsx
        ├── taxonomy
            ├── category.tsx
            ├── tag.tsx
            ├── customTaxonomyName.tsx
Pages, Posts, and Custom post types:

${pluginOptions.templatesPath}/${postType graphqlSingleName}/${templateName}



Archive pages:

${pluginOptions.templatesPath}/archive/${postType graphqlSingleName}


  • Support CPT archive pages - ✔ Completed in 0.1.0
  • Add options to pass additional data to page context - 💥In progress
  • Add options to have more control over the templates folder structure
  • Allow more generic page components to be used across different post types similar to WP template hierarchy

Sites using this plugin

Did you use this plugin in a website? Open a pull request and add to this list.


View the changelog here

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