Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubGatsby Theme Hacker News
- an elegant way to display linked headlines from Hacker News
- option to display on styled MDX file
This theme includes
- two components
<List />
and<Headline />
to display Hacker News headlines on your site - gatsby-theme-mdx configured inside this theme
- gatsby-source-hacker-news plugin
Here’s the source code
Check out a live demo
To use this theme in your Gatsby sites, follow these instructions:
Install the theme:
npm install --save /gatsby-theme-hacker-news
Add the theme to your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: ["gatsby-theme-hacker-news"],
Start your site:
gatsby develop
To change the number of displayed headlines:
- create a shadow component
- in the shadow component, splice the map function. For example, to display 11 results:
{data.allHnStory.edges.splice(0,11).map(({ node })
- alternately, modify the GraphQL query:
allHnStory(sort: {fields: [order]}, limit: 11)