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A Gatsby Theme to display statistics for GitHub repos.

Example site for theme using gatsby as data

Example Site

you can see a live running example site at https://gatsby-theme-github-stats-example.netlify.com/.

This is the gatsby site in this repo at site deployed up to Netlify.



Add the package to your gatsby site

yarn add gatsby-theme-github-stats

and then put it in your gatsby-config file

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: '<title for page>'
    source: '<GitHub URL for your site>'
    repoNameWithOwner: '<github owner & repo in format of `owner/repo`>'
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-github-stats`,
      options: {
        dataPath: path.join(__dirname, `src`, `data`),

Next, create a file at src/data/data.json in your gatsby site and have it as the following format:

    "stars": 35670,
    "openPRs": 84,
    "timestamp": 1560977138,
    "closedIssues": 6355,
    "closedPRs": 1094,
    "openIssues": 442,
    "mergedPRs": 6947

Each item is a single datapoint. There is no max amount of datapoints you can have.

Then finally run yarn develop and you should see the fully fleshed out site with graphs and all.

Config Options

These are all of the currently available fields in the options field in the gatsby-config plugin entry for this theme:

Name Description Default Required
basePath url base path for the dashboard page to be created at (ex: '/stats/') ’/’ false
dataPath the filepath to your data directory N/A true

Site Metadata

Some of the text around the site is customized by siteMetadata tokens.

Name Description Example required
title Title at the top left of the page and the <title> tag Gatsby Stats true
source url to source of the Gatsby site https://github.com/lannonbr/gatsby-github-stats false
repoNameWithOwner username & repo name on GitHub gatsbyjs/gatsby false
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