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Ghost Casper theme for Gatsby blog.


  • Install the theme using npm or yarn
npm i --save gatsby react react-dom gatsby-theme-ghost-casper


yarn add gatsby react react-dom gatsby-theme-ghost-casper
  • Create the following project structure for your website.
├── src
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── featured-image.jpg
│   │   └── icon.png
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── authors.yml
│   │   ├── navigation.yml
│   │   └── tags.yml
│   ├── gatsby-theme-ghost-casper
│   │   ├── assets
│   │   │   └── logo.png
│   │   ├── src
│   │   └── style
│   │       └── override.css
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── blog
│   │   │   ├── your-awesome-blog-post-title
│   │   │   │   ├── featured-image.jpg
│   │   │   │   └── index.md
│   │   └── about.js
├── static
│   └── CNAME
├── gatsby-browser.js
├── gatsby-config.js
├── package.json
  • In the gatsby-config.js file add the following changes
module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
    title: '', // Site Title
    author: '', // Author of the website
    description: '', // Description for the website
    siteUrl: 'https://example.com', // Base URL of the website (No trailing slash)
    social: {
      // Social URLs of the website. Will be used to show in footer if provided
      twitter: '',
      facebook: '',
      instagram: '',
      github: '',
    config: {
      postsPerPage: 10, // Number of posts to show per page
      disqus: '', // Disqus username. If provided, disqus comments section will be added on each posts page
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-theme-ghost-casper',
      options: {
        title: 'Your Site Title', // Required: used for the title of RSS feed
        pathPrefix: '', // path prefix for the website URL
    // Other plugins comes here
  • Add the following content in src/data/authors.yml file to add the author information.
- id: username # unique username for the author. This will be used in the URL for the author page
  name: Name # Name of the author
  bio: Bio # Bio of the author
  location: Location # Location of the author
  website: https://authorswebsite.com # Website of the author
  twitter: twitter_username
  facebook: faceboon_username
  profileImage: https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/AUTHOR # URL containing the author profile Image
  coverImage: # Cover Image to show in authors page
  • The links shown in the header can be customized by adding them in src/data/navigation.yml file
- label: Home
  url: /

- label: About
  url: /about
  • The theme supports creating blog posts using markdown files. You can start adding your first page by creating a file at src/pages/<YOUR-AWESOME-PATH>/index.md with the following content.

title: Your Awesome Title <!-- Title of the post -->
date: '2019-07-07' <!-- Date of the post in which it is published -->
tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] <!-- A new page will be created for each tag listing all the posts associated with that tags -->
author: username <!-- id of the author that we defined in authors.yaml file  -->
featuredImage: ./welcome.jpg <!-- relative path of the image that used to show as featured Image  -->
draft: false <!-- Set it as true to skip this page during the production build.  -->


Your Awesome Blog Content
  • To set sitewide featured image, place a file named featured-image.jpeg and the theme will pick it up.
  • To change the site logo, place your logo file as PNG named as logo.png in the src/gatsby-theme-ghost-casper/assets/ directory.
  • Now run npm run develop or yarn run develop to start development. Happy Blogging. 😇

Example Site

For detailed usage of gatsby themes, refer themes documentation of Gatsby.

Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Ghost Foundation / Sasivarnan R - Released under the MIT license.

© 2025 Gatsby, Inc.