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Cover flow Gatsby theme plugin

A Gatsby theme for creating cover flow pages with customizable sources.

See https://datakurre.github.io/gatsby-theme-coverflow/ for a live demo where cover flow has been mixed with gatsby-theme-blog and gatsby-source-rss-feed:

Cover flow supports customizable sources, customizable colors, and both internal and external links. Cover flow pages support keyboard navigation.


Manually add to your site

npm install --save gatsby-theme-coverflow


Theme options

Key Default value Description
path /coverflow/ Url for the created cover flow page
colors {} Configurable text, cover and backdrop colors (see example usage)
query GraphQL query for fetching the cover flow data (see example usage)

Each instance of cover flow theme plugin creates just a single page at configured path.

Colors of that page can be customized. Supported color keys and their default values are:

  text: `#fff`,
  cover: `#663399`,
  backdrop: `#333`,

Content of the cover page is defined with a GraphQL query:

  allCoverPages {
    edges {
      node {

See the examples below on how to use GraphQL query aliases to conform with the required query…

Example usage

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-blog`,
      options: {
        basePath: `/blog/`,
      resolve: "gatsby-theme-coverflow",
      options: {
        path: `/`,
        colors: {
          text: `#fff`,
          cover: `#663399`,
          backdrop: `#333`,
        query: `
  allCoverPages: allBlogPost(sort: {fields: date, order: DESC}) {
    edges {
      node {
        link: slug
      resolve: `gatsby-source-rss-feed`,
      options: {
        url: `https://www.gatsbyjs.org/blog/rss.xml`,
        name: `GatsbyBlog`,
      resolve: "gatsby-theme-coverflow",
      options: {
        path: `rss-feed`,
        query: `
  allCoverPages: allFeedGatsbyBlog {
    edges {
      node {
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