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Gatsby Theme Catalyst Footer Basic

Sibling theme for gatsby-theme-catalyst-core which adds a basic site footer using latent component shadowing. Just a simple copyright, branding, and social links at this time.

Control the content location using the footerContentLocation option in gatsby-theme-catalyst-core. Defaults to left.




Theme Options

Option Values Description
useFooterSocialLinks true or false Defaults to true, controls whether the social links are displayed or not
footerContentLocation String value, “left”, “right” or “center” Defaults to “left”, determines the location of the footer content.

About Gatsby Theme Catalyst

The Catalyst series of themes and starters for GatsbyJS were designed to provide an opinionated set of integrated themes and starters that can be used to accelerate your next Gatsby project. The vision is for one “core” theme in which most dependencies and components are contained followed by progressively more styled and refined child themes and starters. These themes rely heavily on Theme-UI and MDX.

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