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Gatsby Theme Catalyst Blog

This adds a blogging interface using MDX, similar to gatsby-theme-blog-core with some custom modifications. The theme can be added to any existing Catalyst-based site and will add blog functionality. This is a minimal implementation that is not designed to be used in a production site, but rather as a jumping off point for a production site.

The main features added to this blog theme are:

  • Support for a featured image on the blog posts
  • Support for a social image on the blog posts
  • Support for categories and tags
  • Support for different post types in the frontmatter to allow for conditional styling of posts
  • Drafts flag in frontmatter so you can keep posts in your repo that are drafts and not built in the final site
  • Ability to control the excerpt length used in post summaries




Theme options

Option Values Description
contentPath String Defaults to “content/posts”, determines where the posts are created from.
assetPath String Defaults to “content/assets”, determines where the post assets like images are located.
basePath String Defaults to “/blog”, determines the page location for the post list.
excerptLength String Defaults to “140”, determines the length of the excerpt use for post summaries.
postListTitle String Defaults to “Posts”, allows you to control the title of your post page, e.g. “Blog” or “Writing” or “Digital Garden”
displayPostListTitle Boolean Defaults to true, allows you to remove the visual title of your post page but keep it in the page title in the browser.
rssTitle String Defaults to “RSS Feed”, allows you to customize the title of the RSS feed.
rssDescription String Defaults to “A great RSS feed”, set the RSS description for your feed.

Example Config:

      resolve: `gatsby-theme-catalyst-blog`,
      options: {
        basePath: `/`,
        contentPath: `src/content/posts`,
        assetPath: `src/content/post-images`,
        excerptLength: `280`,

Frontmatter Fields

The following fields are available in front matter.

Field Required? Values Description
title Yes String Title of the post
date Yes Date Publication date, e.g. 2019-04-15
subTitle No String Sub title or deck for blog posts
author No String Author of the post
featuredImage No String Featured image to be used for the post
featuredImageCaption No String Caption for the featured image
socialImage No String Social image to be used for the post
slug No String Optionally used to specify the link slug for the post
authorLink No String Used as a link for the author name in the post summaries
tags No Array Tags for the post, [“tag1”, “tag2”, “tag3”]
categories No Array Categories for the post, [“cats”, “dogs”, “snakes”]
keywords No Array Keywords used for Seo, [“key1”, “key2”, “key3”]
draft No Boolean Defaults to false, set to true if a post is a draft

Example frontmatter:

title: Hey, a draft post
date: 2019-04-15
featuredImage: ../assets/featured1.jpg
author: Eric Howey
authorLink: https://twitter.com/erchwy
tags: [Wicked, Awesome, Radical]
draft: true
slug: /blog/custom-post-slug

About Gatsby Theme Catalyst

The Catalyst series of themes and starters for GatsbyJS were designed to provide an opinionated set of integrated themes and starters that can be used to accelerate your next Gatsby project. The vision is for one “core” theme in which most dependencies and components are contained followed by progressively more styled and refined child themes and starters. These themes rely heavily on Theme-UI and MDX.

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