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Gatsby Source Zesty

Source plugin to get Zesty.io data in Gatsby sites


# Install the plugin
yarn add gatsby-source-zesty

in gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-zesty',
      options: {
        url: `https://your-zesty-instance.com/-/gql/`,

Configuration options

Your Zesty.io GraphQL endpoint URL is required. To turn this on you can follow these steps:

  • Log into Zesty.io
  • Open the manager interface for the instance you want to access GraphQL
  • In manager, Go to your Schema > settings area
  • Navigate to Developer settings
  • Click GraphQL to turn on
  • Set GraphQL origin to * (this can later be tied to your remote)

How to query

All content of a certain type

  allCategory {
    nodes {


  allHomepage(filter: { data: { title: { eq: "the article I want" } } }) {
    nodes {
      data {

more information on GraphQL querying.

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