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🇬🇧 Source UK Bank Holidays into Gatsby

Sources UK bank holidays from GOV.UK

How to install

npm install ashhitch/gatsby-source-uk-bank-holidays


yarn add ashhitch/gatsby-source-uk-bank-holidays

How to use

module.exports = {
  plugins: [`ashhitch/gatsby-source-uk-bank-holidays`],

Query for data

  allBankHoliday {
    nodes {

How to contribute with code

Getting started

  • Fork the repo
  • Clone your fork
  • Install the packages: yarn install
  • Run the demo: yarn develop

To be able to have both the demo and plugin in the same repo we use yarn workspaces.

  • Plugin code is in the /plugin folder,
  • and the demo code is in the /demo folder.

Do your thing

Solve an issue or do something else!

Create a Pull Request

To get your changes merged into the project create a Pull Request from your fork.

How to contribute in other ways

Questions, Feedback and Suggestions

If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions head on over to discussions.


If you find a bug please open an issue and/or create a pull request to fix it.

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