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This source plugin for Gatsby will help you pull in twitter user object(s) into your Gatsby site


# Install the plugin
yarn add gatsby-source-twitter-users 


npm i gatsby-source-twitter-users

In gatsby-config.js:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-twitter-users',
      options: {
        //Keys and tokens from your twitter dev dashboard
        config: {
          consumer_key: <TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY>,
          consumer_secret: <TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET>,
          bearer_token: <TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN>,
        //Comma Separated Twitter Handles
        users: '',

NOTE: To get a Twitter API key, secret, sign up for a twitter developer account.

Configuration Options

The configuration options for this plugin, you’ll find them in your twitter developer dashboard.

Option Description
consumer_key Your Twitter consumer key
consumer_secret Your Twitter consumer secret
bearer_token Your Twitter bearer token generate by following the steps specified here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/basics/authentication/guides/bearer-tokens.html

NOTE: To get a bearer_token, you need to follow the steps specified here.

Example Configuration

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-twitter-users',
      options: {
        //Keys and tokens from your twitter dev dashboard
        config: {
          consumer_key: <TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY>,
          consumer_secret: <TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET>,
          bearer_token: <TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN>,
        //Comma Separated Twitter Handles
        users: 'marvinjudehk,unicodeveloper,coder_blvck',

Querying Twitter Users

Once the plugin is configured, the allTwitterUser query will be available to you you can test it in your GraphiQL Debugger


Incorrect twitter handles will be simply omitted

Here’s an example query to load the user object(s) for the handles(s) you specified if your plugin configuration:

  allTwitterUser {
    edges {
      node {

See the Twitter API docs for a complete list of fields that you can query

I’m @marvinjudehk on twitter, feel free to share if you find this useful

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