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Gatsby Source Teamtailor

Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby.js from Teamtailor, using the Teamtailor API.


yarn add gatsby-source-teamtailor

npm install --save gatsby-source-teamtailor

How to use

Plugin configuration for gatsby-config.js:

   resolve: `gatsby-source-teamtailor`,
   options: {
       token: `abc123abc123`,
       version: `20161108`
       status: `published`

token The token is also the api key - authenticate your account when using the API by including your secret API key in the request. Manage your API keys. Replace abc123abc123 with your own API Key.

version When Teamtailor make backwards-incompatible changes to the API, they release new, dated versions. Replace 20161108 with the version you want to use.

status Filter by job status. Default is “all”. Available statuses are: published, unlisted, archived, draft, scheduled and all. Depending on your permission you may not be able to use certain of these statuses. Read more about Teamtailor Permissions.

How to query

There are currently only two node type available from Teamtailor: Jobs, Users.

Documentation for the full set of fields made available for each resource type can be found in the API docs.

Example Jobs Query

  allTeamTailorJob {
    edges {
      node {
        attributes {

Example Users Query

  allTeamTailorUser {
    edges {
      node {
        attributes {

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2020 Patrick Edqvist - Released under the MIT license.

© 2024 Gatsby, Inc.