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A Gatsby plugin for using Salsify as a data source.


npm install --save gatsby-source-salsify

or with Yarn:

yarn add gatsby-source-salsify

How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
		resolve: 'gatsby-source-salsify',
		options: {
			ids: ['U2508', 'U2000'],
			apiKey: "your_salsify_key",
			org: "your_salsify_org_id",
			concurrency: 10, // Number of simultaneous fetches to salsify (default = 10)

Or use markdown files that contain an “id” property in front matter to determine which products to use:

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
		resolve: 'gatsby-source-salsify',
		options: {
			markdownPath: `${__dirname}/src/markdown/products`,
			apiKey: "your_salsify_key",
			org: "your_salsify_org_id",

apiKey is optional if your key is an environment variable. If it is not supplied in the options, it will still try to look for the key in the environment variable process.env.SALSIFY_API_KEY.



Salsify’s API likes to interchange arrays for strings if there’s only one item in the array. To make this more reliable, you can specify arrays with the types option.

options: {
	types: {
		myList: 'array'


Salsify’s API won’t automatically pass along media objects. To specify which properties are supposed to return media objects (which include the URL), use the media option.

options: {
	media: [

How to query

Note: All properties will be converted to camelcase so they play nice with GraphQL.

	salsifyContent(id: { eq: $id }){
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