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Source plugin for getting files from your Publitio account


Install the plugin

npm install --save gatsby-source-publitio


yarn add gatsby-source-publitio

Add the plugin to your gatsby-config.js

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-source-publitio',
      options: {
        // See options section for more information



Key Description
api_key Get it from your Publitio Dashboard
api_secret Get it from your Publitio Dashboard


Key Default value Description
limit 1000 Maximum number of files to return. Maximum limit is 1000
offset 0 How many files should be skipped at the beginning of the result set
filter_privacy all Specifies which files should be returned based on their privacy. Supported values are all, private and public
filter_extension all Specifies which files should be returned based on their extension. For a full list of extensions see supported extensions
filter_type all Specifies which files should be returned based on their type. Supported values are all, image, video and audio
filter_ad all Specifies which files should be returned based on their option_ad status. Supported values are all, enabled, disabled and new
tags Search query tags separated by + signs. You can append :any to list files which have any of the tags, or :all to list only files which have all of the tags. For example, use dogs+cats:any to select all files which either have the dogs or the cats tag
folder Folder ID or Path to list files from. Default lists all files. Use / to list top (root) folder files

Example of query

query ImagesQuery {
   allPublitioFile(filter: {type: { eq: "image" }}) {
    edges {
      node {
        file {
          childImageSharp {
            fluid(maxWidth: 1920) {
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