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Gatsby plugin to connect with a Notion database recursively using the official API.

This plugin recursively collects categories from a single Notion database, which can be used as a CMS for your blog. It ultimately creates a Churnotion node that converts the components of a Notion page into MDX components and stores them in JSON format.

If you’re considering Notion as your CMS for Gatsby, this plugin could be a great choice as it supports recursive category collection.


npm install gatsby-source-notion-churnotion
yarn add gatsby-source-notion-churnotion

How to use

You need to set the following environment variables:

GATSBY_INTEGRATION_TOKEN GATSBY_DATABASE_ID To get the integration token, set it up in your Notion database, and find the database ID, refer to the official Notion Integration Guide.

환경변수 설정

GATSBY_INTEGRATION_TOKEN={Your Notion API Integration Token}
GATSBY_DATABASE_ID={Your Notion Database ID}

gatsby-config.ts / gatsby-config.js 추가

const config: GatsbyConfig = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-notion-churnotion`,
      options: {
        token: process.env.GATSBY_INTEGRATION_TOKEN,
        databaseId: process.env.GATSBY_DATABASE_ID,

Run Development Server

npm run develop
yarn develop
gatsby develop

When the development server is running, gatsby-source-notion-churnotion will fetch categories and pages from your Notion database using the official Notion API.

alt text

Explore in GraphQL

Once the data is fetched, go to http://localhost:8000/__graphql, where you’ll find new nodes such as Churnotion, NBook, NCategory, and NTag as shown below:

alt text

Example Query

Use the following GraphQL query to explore the Churnotion node:

query MyQuery {
  allChurnotion {
    nodes {

This will return results in MDX format, as shown below:

alt text

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