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⚠️ Warning: This Project is Deprecated ⚠️

This project was merged into the official @directus/gatsby-source plugin. Use that instead!

Gatsby Source Directus CMS

A Gatsby source plugin to pull content from a Directus CMS backend.

Inspired by the gatsby-source-directus7 plugin by Joonas Palosuo


  • Exposes all custom content types & associated records created in Directus as distinct nodes in the Gatsby GraphQL layer
  • Mirrors O2M, M2O, M2M, and “File” relations between content types in Directus in the Graph QL layer
  • Downloads files hosted in Directus for usage with other Gatsby transformer plugins


Installing the plugin is no different than installing other Gatsby source plugins.

  1. Create a gatsby project. For help, see the Gatsby quick start guide here
  2. Install the plugin using npm install --save gatsby-source-directus-cms
  3. Edit your gatsby-config.js. See below for details.



Find details regarding the options object schema below.

Field Type Default Note
url string void Required - The base url for the project’s Directus API.
auth { email: string; password: string; } | { token: string; } void Either the login credentials for the user to authenticate the Directus API with, OR a token used to authenticate with the Directus API. If both are provided, the token is preferred. If neither are provided, the public API is used.
project string "_" The target projects name in Directus.
targetStatuses string[] | void ["published", "__NONE__"] A set of allowed statuses records must match to be included in the mesh. A value of null or undefined includes content of any status. The string "__NONE__" can be used to allow records with no status defined.
allowCollections string[] | void void A set of collection names to allow. Only collections with names that appear in the set will be included. void includes all collections.
blockCollections string[] | void void A set of collection names to block. Only collections with names that don’t appear in the set will be included. void blocks no collections.
typePrefix string "Directus" The prefix to use for the node types exposed in the GraphQL layer.
includeJunctions boolean false Allows inclusion of the junction tables that manage M2M relations in the GraphQL layer.
downloadFiles boolean true Indicates if files should be downloaded to disk. Enables images to be used with other transform plugins. Setting to false could be useful if the project has many files.
customRecordFilter ((record: any, collection: string) => boolean) | void void A function executed for each record, returning whether the record should be included in the content mesh. Note: If provided, this will override any targetStatuses value.

Example Configuration

// gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
    // ...
    plugins: [
            // ...
                resolve: 'gatsby-source-directus-cms',
                options: {
                    url: 'https://directus.example.com',
                    project: '_',
                    auth: {
                        email: 'admin@example.com',
                        password: 'example',
                    targetStatuses: ['published', 'draft', '__NONE__'],
                    downloadFiles: false,
            // ...
    // ...


Directus Config

Setting up a separate user in Directus for usage with this plugin is recommended. Make sure you grant read privileges to the user on all tables, including system tables. See more in the Directus docs.

Known Limitations

For the a collection type to exist in the GraphQL layer, there must be at least one record processed by the plugin belonging to the collection.

E.g. if either no records exist for the collection, or they are all filtered by the plugin configuration, that collection will not appear in the GraphQL layer, and any attempts to query against it will throw an error.


The project is written in TypeScript. You can clone the repo and use the command npm run dev to start TypeScript in watch-mode. npm run build builds the project.

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