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This source plugin retrieves podcast data from the Buzzprout API. The Buzzsprout api returns the list of episodes for a certain podcast identified by its id.

How to install

npm install --save gatsby-source-buzzsprout-api


yarn add gatsby-source-buzzsprout-api

Available options

  • name is a string that will be used to identify the created query. It can be an empty string. This allows you to use the plugin multiple times for different podcasts
  • token This is the authentication token for the Buzzsprout API
  • podcastid This is a number that identifies the podcast

When do I use this plugin?

If you have a podcast hosted with Buzzsprout you can query the list of episodes and publish them in your site.

How to use it

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-buzzsprout-api`,
      options: {
        name: `ControlRemoto`,
        toke: process.env.BUZZSPROUT_TOKEN,
        podcastId: '1057351' 

How to query for data

After configuration is done two new queries will be available for use

Query is PodcastEpisode${name}.

When name of options is ControlRemoto, query named as PodcastEpisodeControlRemoto

      node {

  podcastEpisodeControlRemoto {

A podcast episode data looks like this

    "podcastName": "SOMENAME",
    "remoteImage": {
    "title":"Too small or too big?",
    "artist":"Muffin Man",

The remoteImage attribute is a remoteFileNode created by gatsby-source-filesystem to optimize the artwork_url is meant to be used with gatsby-plugin-sharp and gatsby-transformer-sharp

How to contribute

You can open an issue or add a pull request.

🎓 Learning Gatsby

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