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A Gatsby plugin for sourcing data from the Amazon Product Advertising API. Build your website using Gatsby and use this plugin to add advertising data from Amazon, such as items for sale, customer reviews, seller reviews and product promotions.

Table of Contents

Getting Started



  1. Install the plugin.

    npm install --save gatsby-source-amazon-paapi


    yarn add gatsby-source-amazon-paapi
  2. Add the plugin in your gatsby-config.js file. See Plugin Options for more details on how to customize the plugin.

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          resolve: 'gatsby-source-amazon-paapi',
          options: {
            accessKey: '',
            secretKey: '',
            host: '',
            region: '',
            queries: [{}],


Plugin Options

  • accessKey, secretKey

    You should be able to get these after registering for the Product Advertising API. Refer to Amazon’s official documentation for more details.

  • host, region

    These depend on the Amazon locale from which you want to grab data. For possible options, refer to Amazon’s official documentation.

  • queries

    An array of queries used to find your items of interest. Two parameters are required for every query: PartnerTag and PartnerType. You can find out how to get these two parameters from Amazon’s documentation. For all possible parameters you can place in your query, click here.

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          resolve: 'gatsby-source-amazon-paapi',
          options: {
            queries: [
                // Amazon partner program credentials
                PartnerTag: '', // required
                PartnerType: '', // required
                // Filter items
                Condition: 'Used', // optional
                ItemCount: 10, // optional
                MaxPrice: 3241, // optional
                // Values to return
                Resources: ['Images.Primary.Medium', 'ItemInfo.Title'], // optional, defaults to ItemInfo.Title


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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