Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHubgatsby-remark-prismjs-spectre
Adds syntax highlighting to code blocks in markdown files to match with the spectre.css stylesheet
npm install --save gatsby-transformer-remark gatsby-remark-prismjs-spectre prismjs
How to use
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-remark-prismjs-spectre`,
options: {
// This is used to allow setting a language for inline code
// (i.e. single backticks) by creating a separator.
// This separator is a string and will do no white-space
// stripping.
// A suggested value for English speakers is the non-ascii
// character '›'.
inlineCodeMarker: null,
// This lets you set up language aliases. For example,
// setting this to '{ sh: "bash" }' will let you use
// the language "sh" which will highlight using the
// bash highlighter.
aliases: {},
Refer to the usage specified in gatsby-remark-prismjs. I’ll flesh this README out some other time.